LE CORBUSIER: (1887-1965)

LE CORBUSIER: (1887-1965)
LE CORBUSIER: (1887-1965) Charles-Edouard Jeanneret. Swiss-French architect, designer and urban planner, a pioneer of modern architecture. A fine A.L.S., Le Corbusier, four pages, 8vo, n.p., 30th March 1940, to Albert Laprade, in French. Le Corbusier writes an impassioned and critical letter regarding a brochure on architecture which Laprade’s student, Gaubert, is planning to publish, remarking ‘Je me suis donne la peine de la lire entierement et je lui ai dit que j'admettais fort bien le principe d'enoncer les chose techniques difficiles dont nous nous occupons, d'une maniere juvenile, "jeune homme", capable peut-etre de faire comprendre aux aines, l'adhesion et l'enthousiasme de la jeunesse a la construction d'un monde nouveau. Je lui ai fait des observations tres precises, solennelles meme au sujet de la legerete avec laquelle (en dehors de son expose juvenile) il aborde la realite des problemes eux-memes: erreur fondamentale d'urbanisme, frivolite de ses analyses de systemes constructifs pratiques par des confreres de grande valeur, etc.’ (Translation: ‘I took the trouble to read it through and told him that I agreed very well with the principle of stating the difficult technical things that we deal with, in a juvenile, “young man” way, capable perhaps to make the elders understand the support and enthusiasm of youth for the construction of a new world. I made very precise observations to him, solemn even, about the lightness with which (apart from his juvenile exposition) he approaches the reality of the problems themselves: fundamental error of town planning, frivolity of his analysis of practical constructive systems by colleagues of great value etc.’) and further stating ‘M. Hermant de l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, auquel Gaubert a propose son manuscrit, est venu me trouver et m'a dit son inquietude de voir exposer si legerement devant l'opinion des questions si graves. J'ai pu constater que Gaubert s'etait contente dans son manuscrit, de retouches infimes, prouvant ainsi son manque absolu de scrupules, son inconscience en realite. Gaubert projette de se faire un tremplin du labeur des autres. Me concernant personnellement, je veux bien admettre les louanges (ca change des engueulades) mais que celles-ci soient simplement la consequence d'un expose fait serieusement et scrupuleusement. Gaubert me fait l'effet de manquer singulierement de modestie et de scrupules. Son ouvrage ne sera pas utile a la cause, mais nefaste, dans l'etat d'inexactitudes ou il admet de la laisser. Comme il se refere a votre grande amitie, et que mes conseils sont restes lettre morte, et qu'en fin de cause je juge ses gentillesses pour moi, dangereuses ainsi, j'ai pense vous demander de lui conseiller de reflechir encore et de mesurer que ses responsabilites ne sont pas qu'envers sa personne meme, mais envers l'effort loyal et acharne de tous ceux si nombreux qui ont apporte a l'architecture depuis 40 annees le plus pur d'eux memes. Je suis certain que vous me comprendrez’ (Translation: ‘Mr. Hermant of Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, to whom Gaubert proposed his manuscript, came to find me and told me of his concern at seeing such serious questions exposed so lightly to public opinion. I was able to see that Gaubert had contented himself with tiny alterations in his manuscript, thus proving his absolute lack of scruples, his unconsciousness in reality. Gaubert plans to make a springboard from the work of others. Concerning myself personally, I am willing to admit the praise (it’s a change from the shouting matches) but that these are simply the consequence of a presentation made seriously and scrupulously. Gaubert strikes me as singularly lacking in modesty and scruples. His work will not be useful to the cause, but harmful, in the state of inaccuracies in which he admits to leaving it. As he refers to your great friendship, and as my advice remained a dead letter, and as in the end I judge his kindnesses to me as dangerous, I thought of asking you to advise him to think again and to measure that his responsibilities are not only towards himself, but towards the loyal and relentless effort of all those who have brought to architecture for 40 years the purest of themselves. I am certain that you will understand me’). A letter of interesting content and association. About EX
Albert Laprade (1883-1978) French architect.
