MARGUERITE D'ANGOULÊME (1492 - 1549) Reine de...

L.S. with autograph compliment "La toute Vre Marguerite", Saint-Germain-en-Laye June 1 [1523?], to the First President
Jean de SELVE; 1 page folio, address.
Important letter on the reform of the monasteries and the religious troubles.
"The poor Abbot of Victory came to Madame and me. He told us and remonstrated with us the molest troubles and empeschemens that four or five deformed religious of the said abbey are doing to him, who still hold the fields sefforcans to break and adnichiller the reformation to the very great scandal and disgrace of all the Religion, or it is well required to be provided for". It is therefore necessary to hasten the pending trial, and "for the honor of God and the continuation of the reformation, that in seeing the said trial as briefly as possible you work at it so that if possible the deformed are sent back and remys to all times to the places and monasteries reformed or where they have been and in the place of the deformed are put others well reformed in the said Victory. For such is the opinion of the people of good and religion to whom madame and I have communicated it"...
PROVENANCE Jean de SELVE Archives (sale May 15, 2013, n° 90).
